For many years, Banco Sabadell has marked this Day that reminds us of the importance of achieving gender parity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The Bank has also been working with schools to encourage the choice of STEM careers from a young age through talks and knowledge dissemination.

Image about International Day for Women and Girls in Science at Banco Sabadell.

For many years a series of Days has been celebrated round the world with the aim of making as many people as possible aware of different problems and challenges that, as a society, confront us and that need to be addressed urgent, such as human rights, sustainable development and health.

One of those Days is the International Day for Women and Girls in Science. It was inaugurated by the UN in December 2015, it is held on 11 February each year and its aim is to encourage female participation in science, scientific research and technology. The challenge remains outstanding, and it is important. Although fortunately women have achieved parity in many fields – or even outnumber men – in STEM they are still a minority.

In practice that is a real problem, because it means that the talents of half the global population are not being exploited when it comes to addressing challenges or some challenges or projects of great importance, such as those that arise from digitisation of the economy. Or, if we look at what has happened more recently, the new phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence. In the case of AI, in order to avoid gender biases when it comes to programming the algorithms that govern AI, it is essential for women to be involved on equal terms with men.

As a society we need to more women working in these fields. And for that, it is key that girls and young women who are still at school should be encouraged to aspire to work in STEM.

Women in science: a commitment and support every day

In the context of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science, Banco Sabadell reaffirms its commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women in science. For many years, the Bank has been working actively to mark this Day, which is intended to give visibility to the crucial role of women in scientific and technical progress, trying to add our grain of sand to this vital awareness-raising task.

A commitment that has real effects on the Bank’s recruitment policies and their implementation, such as internal promotion of talent.

Today is a good time to pick up the conversation that, en su día, mantuvimos con algunas profesionales que han logrado destacar desarrollando su carrera en el mundo STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or reporting on actividades tales como una jornada durante la cual un grupo de profesionales tecnológicas “de alto nivel” de nuestra entidad gave a talk to a group of secondary school students, explaining the tasks they carry out in the Bank and encouraging them to think of a career in that area.

Gender parity in STEM is essential. The under-representation of women in STEM is a loss of talent and a barrier in meeting the challenges faced by societies around the world.

Today, we are working to expand our programmes to disseminate knowledge about science in a number of cities, where we are already exploring with some schools the possibility of holding activities such as workshops and talks to generate interest in the world of data, analytics and AI from a young age.

Fundación Banco Sabadell: support for and recognition of female scientists

Of special relevance is the work carried out by the Bank through the Fundación Banco Sabadell with which we have supported a large number of activities to promote research and foster talent, especially amongst the very youngest. That work includes initiative that create visibility and generate opportunities for female scientists who through their research have a positive impact on society.

Notable among those initiatives are the Fundación Banco Sabadell Prizes, which recognise the knowledge, innovation and talent of young female researchers in different fields, such as research in economics, biomedicine, the sciences and engineering and marine sustainability. But we also support a large number of initiatives working with other leading organisations devoted to promoting research. We want to make special mention of proyecto Hypatia, a project whose original and ongoing purpose is to give visibility to the role of women in science and motivate future generations of girls and young women to be part of STEM, as part of early career female researchers in different disciplines and of different ages travelled to the Mars Research Desert Station to carry out research and knowledge dissemination.

Winners of the Fundación Banco Sabadell Prizes in recent years include the following notable female researchers, recognised for their work in various scientific fields and for the significant social impact of their research:


  • Marta Reynal Querol, 10th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Natalia Fabra, 12th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Nagore Iriberri, 15th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Mar Reguant, 16th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Laura Díaz, 17th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Irma Clots-Figueras, 18th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Mónica Martínez-Bravo, 20th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]
  • Elena Manresa,21st Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research. [+]


  • Almudena R. Ramiro, 8th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research. [+]
  • Nuria López-Bigas, 11th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research. [+]
  • Guillermina López-Bendito, 15th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research. [+]
  • Guadalupe Sabio, 14th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research. [+]
  • María Mittelbrunn, 17th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Biomedical Research. [+]


  • Nanda Rea, 4th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Science and Engineering. [+]
  • Ana Tajadura Jiménez, 5th Fundación Banco Sabadell Prize for Science and Engineering. [+]


  • Oihane C. Basurko, Fundación Banco Sabadell 2022 Prize for Marine Stustainability. [+]
  • Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Marine Sustainability 2023. [+]

Banco Sabadell’s commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women in science is strong. The Bank will continue to work to encourage female participation in STEM and to build a more brilliant future for all.