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Our commitments

Our commitments to society are strong. We prioritise the construction of a sustainable future, the growth of SMEs as the backbone of the economy and the promotion and development of talent.


Commitment to SMEs and promoting local communities

SMEs are the backbone of our economy and at Banco Sabadell we are firmly committed to fuelling their growth.  That is why we understand and support the organisations we work with in projects of different kinds.



In addition to our commitment to SMEs, we are also committed to boosting the local communities in which we operate. This is why we develop projects throughout Spain, supporting the local business fabric. 



Sustainable commitment

Our purpose is clear: to support and accelerate transformations that contribute to sustainable development in the fight against climate change. Our framework is the foundation for the future of our ESG commitments and aligns our business objectives with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). We have established four key pillars as the foundation of our sustainable commitment:

  1. Moving forward as a sustainable entity: we integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into our management.
  2. Supporting our customers in the transition to a sustainable economy: we provide them with the information, advice, products and services they need.
  3. Offering investment opportunities that contribute to sustainability: we promote sustainable finance and make it a comprehensive part of the strategy and offering for customers.
  4. Working together for a sustainable and cohesive society: we contribute to the transition to a sustainable and more cohesive society through responsible and ethical management.

Download of reports or presentations of the commitments



The commitment to sustainability is also reflected in the company’s adherence to various initiatives and the awarding of various accolades, certificates and qualifications.


Commitment to talent

We are a bank of people for people. We are focused on developing talent with our eyes on the future.



Your talent, our differential value

We work hard to provide people with an inclusive work environment, with opportunities for growth and where well-being and personal satisfaction are fostered.

  • We promote our values: Commitment, Non-complacency, Professionalism, Efficiency, Empathy and Openness.
  • We have career development plans and a fair and meritocratic appraisal system to help you achieve your professional goals and grow within the organisation.


Banco Sabadell Foundation: a reflection of our commitments

Our transformational commitment to society is embodied in our Foundation. The Banco Sabadell Foundation was set up with the aim of promoting dissemination, training and research activities in educational, scientific and cultural fields, as well as fostering and supporting talent.

We work hard to build a more critical, fairer and more inclusive society through actions and initiatives that focus on supporting culture and the arts, research and education, with special emphasis on young talent and stimulating creativity, knowledge and innovation.

Through our work we want to inspire others to join us in this mission, creating an effect of positive change.