As 2023 draws to a close, it is also an important anniversary for Banco Sabadell: We have had a social media presence for 15 years, an information and communication channel that is already fully consolidated as a key element of our communication and customer relationship strategy. This is also the moment to take stock of the last twelve months, both for the bank and for the team that manages this activity.



Once again, social networks have been essential when it comes to communicating to our customers – and also to those who are not – all the news related to our institution. They have also been essential when it comes to handling and responding to the requests or queries that came to us. And also, once again, it seems appropriate to look back and review some of the most significant topics on networks during this year, 2023, that is now coming to an end in the twenty profiles that we keep available on platforms such as X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Youtube.

Information on results and corporate events

In some cases, this is content that is “almost mandatory to publish”, since it is intended to provide information on the bank’s activity. Noteworthy among the leading ones this year ending are: presentation of results, the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Annual Executives Meeting.

Information about new technologies, e-business and digitalisation

This has also been, without a doubt, the year of Artificial Intelligence. We have also provided a good deal of information on it, as well as on other significant developments related to information technologies and how they affect families and companies. Among them, we could highlight the technology-themed events 4YFN23 and MWC24 and SouthSummit23, and we have also published news about several eventshackathons organised by the bank, on its own or in collaboration with other institutions. We have also provided our followers, on a regular basis, with advice on how to avail of the utmost guarantees of security in our online activity.

Launch of Sabadell Digital and ten years of BStartup

Two news flashes that have also marked this year were the launch of Sabadell Digital, the highly specialised technological unit with which Banco Sabadell aspires to lead transformation in the financial sector. And the tenth anniversary of BStartup, another unit – also a pioneer in its day – that today is fully consolidated as one of the reference points in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the world of start-ups.

Music and sports sponsorships

Banco Sabadell actively collaborates in a large number of cultural and sports initiatives that are organised in the different geographical areas in which it operates. The social media team also helps to make them as impactful as possible. In 2023, we paid special attention to the Vuelta Ciclista a la Comunitat Valenciana, to the Festival Alma, and to Madrid Corre, among others. Without forgetting, obviously, the Barcelona Open Banc Sabadell – Conde de Godó Trophy.

Awards of the Foundation

Along the same lines as the previous section, special reference should be made to the awards that our institution gives annually, through its Foundation, to promote research and scientific advances in fields such as economics, medicine and environmental sustainability. There are three of them: the Award for Biomedical Researchthe Award for Economic Research and the Award for Marine Sustainability.

In addition, there is also the prize-giving ceremony of the Álvarez Margaride Award. Full information was provided on all of them.

Collaboration with NGOs and volunteering of the Bank’s employees

During this year, the various partnerships that the bank maintains with non-profit sector bodies were also important, as well as the employee volunteering programme, which has very active support from the institution and a number of people involved that grows every year. There was also the several blood donor days that were held in various corporate buildings, there were other notable events such as the TrailwalkerSabadell, the CoachExit programme and our involvement in events such as International Education Day, among others. Not forgetting various humanitarian aid initiatives such as the setting in motion to collaborate during the emergency situation due to the earthquake in Morocco.

Participation in fairs and new business developments

The trade fairs in which the bank participated in 2023 were another of the topics that have been followed on our social media channels. These include: Fitur 2023Futurismo 2023Expofranquicia and Fruit Attraction. Naturally, we have also provided information on certain new developments in our product offering. These include the Mortgage with Everything and the Sabadell Online Account.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

The commitment to environmental sustainability and the fight to protect the environment, as well as the launch of products, services and lines of action aimed at helping companies to move forward in this same direction are at the core of our current strategic plan. On social networks this had, logically, the response that one would expect for an issue of such importance. Several news items dealt with Sinia Renewablesthe CO2 Revolution Reforestation Project and the 3rd Call of BStartup Green, among others.

Training activities and dissemination of economic reports

Finally, on social networks we have also contributed to disseminating various economic reports of interest to companies and families, in which we collaborate. Among others, the ESADE Economic and Financial Report, as well as the Sabadell Chamber of Commerce Perspectives. Special mention for the programme of informative events that it organisesSabadellHubEmpresa throughout the year, which are available both for customers and non-customers of our institution.

During 2024 we will continue to provide information on these new developments through our social network channels. We invite you to sign up for those that you think may be most useful to you so that, during the next twelve months, you will continue to have us by your side at all times. We take this opportunity to remind you of the main channels at your disposal on social media: