On World Social Media Day, Banco Sabadell highlights the great importance of these platforms, which are now absolutely essential for all companies, as a direct communication channel and also as a resource to provide information about new products and services.

According to the latest studies on social media, 85% of internet users aged 16 to 65 regularly use social networks. This represents over 25 million users in Spain. Predominantly, these resources are used or viewed from mobile phones. Consequently, users always have them ‘in their pockets’. Social media has become a powerful informational, relational and commercial resource.

Banco Sabadell was one of the first companies in our country to start using them regularly. By 2007, it already had various information channels on platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. In 2011, it launched its customer service, capable of handling requests 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Today, our group has several profiles, specialised in various audience segments, across multiple platforms:

Employees and social media

Another important resource for companies is social media as a space where a digital community of employees is built. An environment that facilitates the exchange of experiences, ideas, initiatives or joint projects, enabling contact between professionals who might work in different countries but can generate high-value initiatives if given the chance to interact. A simple hashtag, such as #SomosSabadell in our case, can help tune into a common conversation and promote brand advocacy.



Sabadell Campus, a space to learn about the proper use of social media

Among the various initiatives launched by the bank to help educate everyone interested in the proper use of these online tools, today we want to highlight www.sabadellcampus.com, a training platform where you can access numerous courses and resources, focused not only on social media but also on free tools aimed at both companies and individuals, which many people are unaware of. We encourage you to visit it, and if any of its courses interest you, enrol and complete them. It can be an excellent way to celebrate World Social Media Day today.