European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) takes place from 1 to 13 July under the slogan ‘Net zero competitiveness boosts the energy transition in the EU’. An event that shines the spotlight on the decarbonisation of Europe through environmentally friendly technology and solutions that allow a transition that is fair and just for individuals and competitive businesses alike.

Banco Sabadell is committed to a future based on renewable energy, and we have been investing in and financing projects in the industry for 25 years.

Image of a source of sustainable energy

Our position is crucial in the current environment, where decarbonising our economies is essential to meeting net zero emissions by 2050.

Banco Sabadell is aware that decarbonisation is a complex process that requires integrated support. That is why we offer our clients, businesses and private individuals alike, bespoke solutions that help them to reduce their carbon footprints and adapt to a new more sustainable energy environment.

How do we do that?

  • We are committed to supporting our clients, businesses and private individuals alike, in their decarbonisation processes, facilitating their investments and providing the finance required to mitigate their CO2 emission and adapt to the new environment.
  • We are enabling the decarbonisation of industries with large levels of emissions, such as electricity, setting targets for 2030 and focusing our efforts on the transformation of large firms whose transition will have a significant impact on global emissions reductions.
  • We offer solutions for private individuals that include energy saving, renewable energy and financing for the acquisition and refurbishment of homes, as well as advice on obtaining public grants such as PERTE.

In financing

  • We were one of the trailblazing banks in the financing of renewable energy back in 1992, with notable innovations such as the first Merchant framework on the market.
  • Since 2018, we have financed more than 190 operations, with 130 greenfield transactions (finance for new plants that add clean production capacity to the Spanish energy system) that account for a total direct investment by the Bank of more than €5 billion, with the principal sponsors operating in Spain and Portugal.
  • We have a financing brand and we adapt our offering to the needs of our clients, financing plants from 20 MW up to large projects that we can insure and syndicate. We have also structured 10 GW of capacity in Spain and Portugal.
  • We are continuing to adapt our structures to accommodate hybrid, battery and hydrogen structures.

In investment

  • Through our subsidiary Sinia Renovables, with 25 years’ experience in investing in renewable energy and sustainability projects, we are completing Investment Cycle V and with equity and alternative debt investment of €200 million, and getting ready to launch Cycle VI.
  • With experience in multiple technologies and geographic areas, Sinia offers integral solutions and develop long-term relationships built on trust and commitment with our clients.
  • It continues to make strides in cutting-edge technologies such as biomethane, wind-photovoltaic and vice versa hybrid systems, hybrids of batteries and distributed generation.

That’s all part of our Sabadell Compromiso Sostenible.

The fight against climate change and the building of a sustainable future are fundamental principles at the heart of our business. We are convinced that decarbonisation of the economy is of utmost importance to achieve sustainable development and ensure a prosperous future for the coming generations.

That is why we continue to work to offer our clients the best solutions to reduce their carbon footprints and contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable energy model. We are also continuing to invest in renewable energy and develop new innovative solutions that meet our sustainability targets.