This year, we are once again taking part in the celebrations of World Recycling Day, which is celebrated around the world on 17 May and aims to raise awareness of the importance of integrating the three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle) into our daily habits and making progress towards a circular economy, thereby helping to preserve the environment. 

In this post, we explain the measures we are taking at Banco Sabadell to contribute to this goal.

Image of one of Banco Sabadell's sustainable actions: recycling.

How is Banco Sabadell helping to protect the environment? 

We continue to make progress in reducing waste and CO2 emissions

To achieve this goal, we focus on our processes and incorporate circular economy and waste management measures. Some examples:

  • In 2023, waste in Spain was reduced by -6% and -40% compared to 2022 and 2019 respectively. One of the reasons for this reduction is the hybrid teleworking model that we have been implementing in the organisation for years.
  • We have internal procedures in place to ensure that 100% of paper and plastic is removed and recycled by authorised waste management companies.

We have selective collection of packaging, organics and batteries at our corporate centres and offices. We also have specific control mechanisms in place for the management of waste from our offices in the process of closure or merger.

  • We continue to reduce the use of materials such as paper and plastic, optimising waste management and the reuse of technological equipment.
  • In 2023, our paper consumption in Spain was 627 tonnes, a reduction of 3% compared to 2022 and 39% compared to 2019. The following measures have been implemented to achieve this reduction:

    • Programme to reduce correspondence and simplify contract documentation
    • Development of a 24-hour service for customers through remote channels and digital platforms
    • Use of tablets and digital systems in offices to capture customer signatures and eliminate the use of pre-printed paper
    • Ensure that all the company’s printers are double-sided by default
  • On the other hand, our plastic consumption over the same period was 2.9 tonnes, a reduction of 16% compared to 2022 and 96% compared to 2019. To achieve this, we have been implementing a series of measures since 2020 to eliminate plastic from the products our organisation purchases. This process will continue for the remainder of 2022-2025 to further replace plastic with sustainable materials. Thanks to these measures, we estimate that we have achieved an annual reduction in emissions of 2% in Spain.

Other sustainable actions

We have also set up programmes to donate computer equipment or furniture in good condition left over from our offices or from work centres in the process of closure or merger to NGOs or local not-for-profit organisations.

Since 2005, we have been committed to purchasing 100% of the Bank’s electricity with GOs (Guarantee of Renewable Origin), to installing solar photovoltaic panels at our headquarters, and to managing our energy more efficiently.

Commitments to a sustainable future

Some of the commitments we have made for the coming years include:

  • Continue to reduce paper waste by reducing its use. 
  • Create a new centralised waste room to reduce waste generation and install an organic composting plant at the Sant Cugat headquarters to reduce all organic waste. A reduction of 9% compared to 2019 is estimated for 2025.

Supporting clients in the transition towards a sustainable economy

The Bank also helps clients make the transition to a sustainable economy by creating opportunities, advising and developing ESG solutions for businesses and individuals. Some examples of activities developed in this sense are:

Provide socially responsible investment opportunities

Through its own programmes to promote entrepreneurship, such as the 4th edition of BStartup Green, to invest in startups in the field of environmental sustainability. This is a programme that aims to invest in startups that, through technology or digitalisation, are able to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable world from perspectives as important as the circular economy, covering aspects such as waste optimisation, reuse of goods, recycling and the economy of functionality.

At Banco Sabadell, we understand that the transition to a sustainable economy is a collective effort that requires the participation of all social actors. That is why we offer our clients a wide range of sustainable financial products and services, such as investments in sustainable companies and advice on sustainability. We also organise events to raise our clients’ awareness of the importance of sustainability and to encourage the adoption of responsible practices.

This is all part of our #SabadellCommitmentToSustainability

If you would like to know more, please see our Commitment to Sustainability ( and our Non-Financial Disclosures Report. Follow the news on social media and join #SabadellCommitmentToSustainability