Mobile World Congress is back again. The undoubted most important date anywhere in the world to learn about the future of technology and connectivity. This year also sees the tenth 4YFN, the specialist trade fair for startups, whose principal sponsor is BStartup.

Mobile World Congress 2024 (MWC24) will take place from 26-29 February 2024 at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, Spain. This annual event brings together thousands of leaders from industry, tech firms, innovators and entrepreneurs to learn about the latest trends and innovations in t he world of mobile tech and connectivity.

4YFN, the Mobile World Congress Trade Fair for Startups, returns for the tenth time. This unique space offers startups the opportunity to present their innovative projects, connect with major investors, and build relationships with key figures in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Image show technology to be found at Mobile World Congress 2024 in Barcelona.

MWC24 is the global platform to discover the innovative technology that will drive the future. From artificial intelligence and the internet of things to 5G connectivity and digital transformation, the event will embrace a wide range of issues that are transforming the way we live, work and communicate with each other.

This year, the strapline of MWC is ‘Future First’. A slogan that is intended to convey the urgency of the need to connect industries, continents, technologies and communities to realise the enormous future potential on the table. Although most businesses have not yet disclosed the innovations that they will be showing in Barcelona, we already know the six themes that the talks of more than 1100 speakers in more than seventeen venues will revolve around.

1) 5G and beyond: exploring the impact of Advanced 5G and its integration with Artificial Intelligence

The coming of Advanced 5G and its integration with AI brings with it the arrival of a new generation of mobile phones that will offer many possibilities that will in turn have significant impacts on projects as important as Smart Cities.

2) Connecting everything… in an open, flexible, sustainable and safe way

In a few years the number of connected IoT devices will exceed fifteen billion. That presents many possibilities, but also raises many questions about how we will collectively manage to build more adaptable, more automated and more financially viable networks.

3) Humanising AI: practical applications of Generative AI

Generative AI (GenAI) will revolutionise the way in which we work, live and interact with each other. The debate is now focused on how businesses can prioritise responsible use of AI and so retain the trust of their customers.

4) Manufacturing DX: digital manufacturing strategies and private wireless networks

Robot manufacturing, sustainable technology and connected vehicles are some of the central topics around the future of the world of industry. Connectivity is becoming key for businesses that want to remain competitive and relevant.

5) Game Changers: technological advances, from quantum computing to augmented reality

AI, blockchain, the metaverse, next gen smartphones… They will all be up for discussion at this year’s MWC.

6) Digital DNA: the importance of sustainability, diversity and attracting new talent to work in a telecoms system undergoing constant change

Attracting diverse new talent is ever more important. The number of women in leadership positions in tech has dropped significantly over the last year. That takes us further away from achieving the UN’s SDGs. A big challenge to which we must respond.

Those of some of the tech trends that will be presented at MWC24. The event will also be a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities that will arise with the rapid pace of development in technology, such as the ethics of AI, information security and the digital divide.

Ten years of 4YFN, the gathering place for startups round the world.

The event is also very important for the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This year sees the tenth 4YFN, the specialist trade fair for tech startups, whose goal is to shine the spotlight on projects and entrepreneurs that might become leaders in the near future.

Over those ten years, 4YFN, supported by Banco Sabadell from the outset, has helped startup entrepreneurs to grow by making them visible to potential investors and the business community. You can check here our agenda of activities and contents for this #4YFN24.