7 February marks Safer Internet Day (#SID2023) under the theme, this year, ‘Together for a better Internet’.  Safer Internet Day is an international event organised by the INSAFE/INHOPE network of Internet Safety Centres in Europe, with the support of the European Commission. It is held every February to foster the safe use of technology, especially among children and young people.

Imagen de una familia siguiendo los consejos sobre seguridad online de Banco Sabadell


Banco Sabadell would like to join in this event by reminding you of some of the basic tips on cybersecurity that can help you to make your online experience as risk-free as possible.

  1. Regularly check the strength of your passwords, and change them periodically. It is important that they are at least 8 characters long and that they include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.
  2. Do not use the same password for all your services.
  3. Beware of unsolicited e-mails, even if they appear to come from companies you know. Especially if we are asked to download files or visit websites via links.
  4. If you have any doubts, before taking any action, contact the company that is supposedly sending you the email, through an alternative channel.
  5. Exercise extreme caution on public Wi-Fi networks. If they are not properly protected, it could be that someone has the ability to intercept your data, and then use it maliciously. Do not use them to access online banking or similar services.
  6. When shopping online, look at the address (URL) of the product pages.  Or those where you are asked for your personal details. They should match the domain of the company selling the products.
  7. Also check that the address of the page begins with ‘https’. And even if you see that the website starts with ‘https’ or has a padlock at the top, before you buy an item or service, look for reviews, online reputation or comments on the internet and check – for example – the payment methods accepted, in case they are not the usual ones.
  8. Always have the latest version of the programmes and apps you use or the operating systems of both your computer and your mobile devices updated to the latest version . Many of the automatic updates that we are often offered to install are intended to increase our security as users.
  9. Avoid downloading programmes or apps from sites other than official company websites or major application marketplaces.
  10. When you go to a website, always think about how you got there. Was it a direct reference? Through advertising? Have you accessed through a received email or text message? We recommend that you always type the address into your browser yourself
  11. If you are buying online, check that the website has a contact information section for the company as well as a legal notice section. It also validates that it has a seal of confidence as well as all the information about the return policy of the products
  12. Pay special attention to products that are heavily discounted as these could be potential scams. Check item advertisements for pricing errors and be wary of incomplete information or errors in translation.
  13. Always look for comments from other users or customers within the website itself as well as opinions and ratings on external sites
  14. Reinforce the security of your devices by always using an antivirus and keep it up to date.

Remember that our customer service team is at your disposal to help you 24/7/365 on 963 085 000, at info@bancsabadell.com or on our social networks (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).