Today, 17 May, is World Recycling Day. It is a one-day seminar that aims to make us all aware of the importance of internalising the importance of practising “the three R’s” (reduce, reuse and recycle) in our daily lives, pursuing the implementation whenever possible of a circular economy, thus contributing in the fight to protect the environment. Here we explain the measures we are taking at Banco Sabadell to contribute to this goal.

Image of Banco Sabadell’s World Recycling Day 2023

At Banco Sabadell, and since the publication of our Sabadell Sustainable Commitment ESG framework, efforts to contribute to the fight against climate change have been part of one of the core elements of our corporate strategy. A strategy that hinges on four pillars, institution, customers, investors and society, and that incorporates a series of objectives fully aligned with the SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), with specific goals between 2021 and 2025 and in which the entire institution is involved.

Thus, from our role as a financial institution, we pay special attention to everything that involves sustainability from a dual perspective:

  • Internally, by applying the necessary measures to reduce our carbon footprint and the effects of our activity on the environment.
  • At the business level, we become a lever that helps the transition of the rest of the economic agents, providing financing and advice and generating opportunities.

How do we do that?

By becoming a more sustainable bank

We focus on our internal processes and incorporate circular economy and waste management measures. Some examples:

  • In 2022, the management of our waste in Spain was 806 tonnes, a reduction of 32% compared with 2021 and 40% compared with 2019. At the Group level, in 2022 the total waste generated that could be recycled/reused was 1,421 tonnes.
  • We have internal procedures in place to ensure that 100% of paper and plastic is removed and recycled by authorised waste management companies.
  • We have selective collection of packaging, organics and batteries at our corporate centres and offices.
  • We are reducing the use of materials (plastic and paper), optimising waste management and the reuse of technological equipment. If we analyse these figures in more detail:
  • In 2022, our paper consumption in Spain was 610 tonnes, a reduction of 5% compared with 2021 and 41% compared with 2019. This was possible thanks to measures such as the setting up of a 24-hour service for customers through remote channels and digital platforms, the use of tablets and digital systems in branches, which allow customers to sign documents digitally and thus eliminate the use of pre-printed documents, in addition to the change of printing settings in the bank’s printers so that the default option is for double-sided printing.
  • Our plastic consumption in Spain in 2022 was 3.4 tonnes, a reduction of 23% compared with 2021 and 95% compared with 2019. To achieve this, we have been implementing a series of measures since 2020 to eliminate plastic from the products procured for diverse uses. For the 2022-2025 period, a progressive analysis of various materials containing plastic will be carried out, and they will be replaced with sustainable materials. In Spain, a reduction in emissions of 2% annually is estimated.
  • Computer equipment and furniture in good condition that is no longer in use for various reasons, such as office mergers or equipment upgrades, are donated to NGOs and local non-profit entities.
  • Apart from this, with regard to the circular economy, since 2005, we have been committed to purchasing 100% of the Bank’s electricity from sources guarantee of renewable origin, to installing solar photovoltaic panels at our headquarters, and to managing our energy more efficiently.

And as our main objectives going forward,

  • we will continue to reduce the amount of waste paper.
  • There are plans to create a new centralised waste room to reduce waste generation and install an organic composting plant at the Sant Cugat headquarters to reduce all organic waste. 

Supporting clients in the transition towards a sustainable economy

In this regard, here are some detailed examples:

  • Priority financing is given to projects related to the circular economy, among others.
  • We respond through specific lines of financing to the needs of circular economy projects, such as composting facilities, recyclable waste management, and product models with extended and/or reusable life. Initiatives like this can be an alternative source for obtaining resources through recycling.
  • We organise information and awareness activities in our Sabadell Hub Empresa (Sabadell Companies Hub), with our own sessions available to all audiences. Some examples of the most recent webinars available are:

Offering ESG investment opportunities

For some time now, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria have become very important and have given rise to the concept of the Socially Responsible Investor. Environmental, social and governance factors are increasingly valued by today’s investors, beyond financial results. In this regard, we offer them the possibility of investing in our own programmes that also promote entrepreneurship, such as #BStartupGreen,  which allows them to invest in environmental sustainability start-ups. 

For more information, you can consult Sustainable Commitment ( or follow us on our social networks.