Today, 15 June, is World Wind Day. This day was launched in 2007 with the aim of reminding, on a regular basis, of the importance of promoting and boosting the use of renewable energies such as wind power as part of the necessary measures to protect the environment and combat the global warming of the planet.

The involvement of our institution in the renewables sector and in the financing of wind farms goes back to the 1990s. We thus have more than 25 years’ experience and we are the leading financial institution in this field. Since 2018, we have participated in the financing of more than 50 wind farms, with a total of 6GW of power and financing by Banco Sabadell of more than €1.5 billion.  Of this, 36 are what are known as greenfield operations, investments in entirely new projects, carried out in foreign countries, for an amount of €900 million.

This involvement has become much more intense in recent years, in response to the challenge of the fight against global warming and the need to decarbonise our economy. In this regard, United Nations Sustainable Development Goal no. 7, Affordable and clean energy, is currently one of our priorities and is integrated into our Sabadell Sustainable Commitment Strategic Plan.

In turn, our participation in initiatives such as the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) reinforces our commitment to the decarbonisation of financed and investment portfolios with the aim of achieving CO2 neutrality by 2050. To this end, it is key to continue financing and investing in wind power and other renewable energy projects.

On the other hand, through Sinia Renovables, our division, which specialises in capital investment in renewable energies and sustainability, investments are being made in different wind power and solar power projects in construction, operation and development. To this end, between 2021-2025, €200 million of investment is being allocated to renewable energy projects and businesses in the field of sustainability. More information at this link:

For more information on the current situation of the sector and the different schemes in the financing of the various energy installations, including wind farms, we invite you to watch our webinar at Hub Empresa (Companies Hub) The challenge of the energy transition and its financing – Sabadell Hub Empresa (Companies Hub) (

All these are examples of our commitment to the promotion of renewable energies, including wind energy, for a sustainable and resilient economy.