Today, 23 August, #InternationalHashtagDay (or #Hashtag Day) is celebrated. In today’s world, where social media plays such an important role at many levels, knowing how to use this resource correctly can be very useful in many ways, both for spreading content and to search for information on a specific topic. For this reason, once again, Banco Sabadell joins the celebration, remembering some basic tips that are always worth recalling.

Image of the benefits of using hashtags on social media

#InternationalHashtagDay is celebrated on 23 August because on that date, specifically, 23 August 2007, it was used for the first time on Twitter. Its adoption on this social network was suggested by Chris Messina as a possible way to start organising the vast amount of information users were publishing. It must be said, however, that the hashtag already existed. It was previously used in other online forums before the blossoming of the Internet and social media, more specifically, in an online chat program called IRCap, which had been operating since 1997. That is, nine years before the arrival of the “blue bird” social network that has now become ‘X’.

Messina’s suggestion was quickly accepted, and the #hashtag became one of the main tools of practically all social networks. In fact, its popularity spread so quickly that shortly after its use became a resource for launching social change campaigns that have had a great impact, such as these: #MeToo, #JeSuisCharlie, or #BlackLivesMatter.

A resource available to everyone that facilitates both the dissemination of information and access to it

The great importance of the #hashtag and its proper use for all social media users is clear, whether we are publishing information or need to learn about a specific topic. For publishers, this tool allows them to easily and quickly group content that needs to be published over various days, months, or years, ensuring that readers can find all published content from the start thanks to the hashtag. For readers, the utility is the same from the user’s perspective. By clicking on a hashtag, people can access the content they seek, grouped together, even if published by different people, companies or institutions.

Tips for using hashtags correctly

Previously, we published an article offering basic tips for achieving the best results if we decide to use this resource. If you are interested, we encourage you to visit it, and you will find all the information you need there. However, to review the basic concepts, we will now recall the five qualities that should be sought when creating a new hashtag. It should be:

  • Catchy
  • Specific
  • Relevant
  • All channels
  • Consistent

It is also important to check that it does not already exist before starting to use it, or we might be surprised to find that our content is associated with other published content that may not be related to what we want to disseminate. If you want more information, we also invite you to read this second article, where we provided additional tips on the topic.

#SomosSabadell, our #hashtag

Logically, Banco Sabadell has been using various #hashtags for years to facilitate the search for our content on social media. If you visit any of our networks, you will find them instantly: #SabadellCompromisoSostenible, SabadellHubEmpresa, SabadellDigital, among others. But there is one we are particularly proud of: #SomosSabadell. Through this hashtag, both the bank and its employees aim to promote our values as a company, beyond those purely associated with our professional activity. Solidarity, commitment to the environment, and collaboration with other institutions or NGOs are also important parts of our daily life. Whether by following initiatives launched by the bank or by joining activities proposed by a colleague. Would you like more information? As we just explained, it is easy. Click on #SomosSabadell and you will find everything explained there.