To say that during 2023 one of the most talked-about topics has been the Artificial Intelligence revolution is a truism. It is also obvious to add that it is a technology that is advancing by leaps and bounds, which makes it difficult to be constantly informed about the latest trends. With these ten resources, however, this challenge can be made easier.

Image that shows the way artificial intelligence works

Many analysts claim that the advent of Artificial Intelligence represents a paradigm shift far greater than the advent of the Internet almost three decades ago, and would possibly be comparable to the industrial revolution of the 18th century. Whether or not this is an exaggeration, what seems clear is that we are at the dawn of a new era. Logically, there is a plethora of information sources dedicated to reporting on the different applications of Artificial Intelligence and its latest developments. We asked some of Sabadell Digital’s specialists to suggest the ones they use most frequently. Here are some of them.

  • Ted Talks. The well-known platform for online talks by renowned specialists on all kinds of topics has been dealing with Artificial Intelligence for some time now.
  • QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey. McKinsey’s AI consulting arm. Its Insights section offers interesting insights/articles on how organisations can use AI more effectively and responsibly to create business value.
  • Harvard Business Review. This prestigious publication, which has been issued since 1922 by the Harvard Business School, has also been devoting extensive coverage to this topic in its online edition for some time now.
  • VentureBeat. Relevant source of news and technology events related to machine learning, new technologies, data science and artificial intelligence, among others. Its weekly newsletter “The AI Beat” (LinkedIn), which collects the weekly trending topics on AI, is particularly noteworthy.
  • IBM. The blog of this renowned multinational technology company reports on developments in this field.
  • For many, the leading portal in the field of Big Data news and events.
  • Enrique Dans. Website of this renowned expert in the field of technology, professor of Innovation and Technology at IE Business School and writer.
  • Wired. A monthly magazine created in 1993, when the Internet started to become popular in the US. It features a technology news portal. It aims to reflect how technology affects culture, education, economics and politics.
  • Generative AI Learning Path. Training itinerary that provides an overview of the concepts of Generative Artificial Intelligence, from the fundamentals of the large language models to the principles of responsible AI.
  • Kaggle. A virtual community made up of more than 16,000 specialists and technology enthusiasts where you can discover new uses of Artificial Intelligence to get the most out of it and integrate this tool into your day-to-day life.

From practical everyday applications to complex generative AI models, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to improve our lives in many ways.

However, it is important to be aware of both the advantages of Artificial Intelligence as well as its disadvantages. AI must be used responsibly and ethically, always in the service of people.

Delving into the history of artificial intelligence, understanding how it works, knowing the benefits it brings and discovering the companies that are leading innovation in this field are essential steps to fully exploit the potential of this technology.