Today, 31 July, marks the 25th anniversary of Banco Sabadell’s first investment in renewable energies through Sinia Renovables. The operation consisted of acquiring 26% of the promoter Enervent, with the aim of developing wind projects in Catalonia. We were pioneers in financing and investing in renewable energy projects in Spain.

Image of green energies financed by Banco Sabadell.

After all these years, Banco Sabadell, through its subsidiary Sinia Renovables, has cemented itself as the financial institution of reference among companies looking to launch renewable energy projects. We have made over 60 investments, both in Spain and Latin America, in projects that total more than 3.0 GW of accumulated power, in a variety of technologies, including wind, photovoltaic, mini-hydroelectric, solar thermal, bio-methane, co-generation and self-consumption, among others.

With over 60 projects financed in various countries, Sinia Renovables has established itself as the institution of reference in this sector.

We seek small and medium-sized renewable project developers who wish to accelerate their growth. We offer:

  • Investment in companies in the field of sustainability and renewable energy projects (wind parks, photovoltaic parks, bio-methane plants, industrial self-consumption, among others).
  • A complement to bank financing as a comprehensive solution to project financing.
  • Contribution of our own team’s know-how, with extensive experience in renewable energies and the investment world.

At this time, Sinia is completing the investment period for its 5th Investment Cycle of €200 million, which represents €50 million more than its previous investment cycle. It is expected that their 6th Investment Cycle will begin in 2024, which would increase this investment capacity even more.

From Sinia, we want to express our sincere gratitude to all the clients and partners who have trusted us over these 25 years, and also offer special congratulations to all the people who are and have been part of this great project. For more information, or to contact us, please visit