For 10 years, Banco Sabadell has had a business department specialising in tourism business, made up of professionals with extensive experience in the needs of this segment. We also offer a wide range of specific products and services. Both financial and directly designed with this type of business in mind. Over the last few years, it has also been very active in accompanying entrepreneurs in the sector in the de-carbonisation of their processes.

Image of environmental sustainability in a tourism business.

Among the products and services that our entity has designed specifically for entrepreneurs in the tourism industry, the following could be highlighted:

  • Specific POS to manage hotel bookings
  • Holiday Cheque France
  • Specific Leasing and Renting Accounts
  • Protection insurance for hotels and their managers and employees…

You can obtain all the information about our offer for the hotel sector via this link.

Futurism and the de-carbonisation of tourism businesses

Over the last few years, in addition to the traditional and consolidated offer, our organisation has developed an intense activity to help tourism companies to disharmonise their processes and achieve their sustainability objectives. It should be added, in this respect, that tourism entrepreneurs had already “done much of their homework”. This has undoubtedly been one of the sectors that has made the greatest efforts in this respect. However, there is still a long way to go, and not only in the field of electric power deployment.

Image from Futurismo 2023 in the tourismo sector.

On 20 and 21 April, the 10th edition of Futurism, one of the most important events in the world for entrepreneurs in the tourism industry was held. Last year’s edition was attended by more than 1,200 people in person and more than 8,000 people followed the different information sessions via streaming from more than 30 countries. As usual, Banco Sabadell, as a leading financial institution among Spanish tourism companies, will participate. De-carbonisation and measures in support of environmental sustainability will undoubtedly be one of the topics to be discussed at this forum. You can consult all the information about it via this link.

Image of Banco Sabadell at the Futurismo 2023 event.

An image from the last edition of Futurism