For many years now, Banco Sabadell has been one of the leading institutions for companies in the tourism sector. A privileged position in this economic segment – the most important in our country – thanks, among other factors, to the existence of Sabadell Tourism Business, a division specialised in designing the best solutions in this field. Once again, the bank will be one of the exhibitors at Fitur 2024, the main international trade fair for the tourism sector, which will be held in Madrid from 24 to 28 January.

Our team of experts from #SabadellTourismBusiness will be at the disposal of professionals and visitors to the International Tourism Trade Fair #Fitur2024 at the Banco Sabadell stand (Stand 8C05, Hall 8) to answer their queries and provide them with innovative financial solutions and services. We want to support them in the most important challenges facing the sector: the digitalisation of work circuits and the decarbonisation and sustainability of the sector.

Banco Sabadell’s commitment to companies in the tourism sector led us to become the first financial institution to be certified with the Q for Tourism Quality seal, awarded by the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism.

Among others, two of the factors that distinguish us from other options are our agility in responding to the requests we receive, as well as our great flexibility that enables us to design fully customised solutions when necessary.

The best collection solution package for businesses in the tourism sector

At Banco Sabadell we offer a varied list of solutions to suit each company in this sector, for example, a specific POS for hotels and businesses and even collection and payment management tools for companies and individuals.

Among other solutions, the Bank’s stand will provide a detailed overview of the package of solutions and forms of customer payments that the Bank offers to tourism companies. From the Smart POS to the DCC currency payment service for foreigners, which is particularly useful for this business segment, to highly specialised services such as the POS Proxy Hotel Reservations, aimed at hotels and tourist accommodation companies that need to manage reservations linked to credit or debit cards.

The most important tourism fair in Spain and Ibero-America

With more than 8,000 exhibiting companies and more than 30,000 visitors, FITUR (Madrid) is a must-visit event for all companies in the Spanish tourism sector. It is also the first international tourism fair to be organised this year, which makes it very useful for both the general public and professionals to find out, as soon as possible, about the novelties that are going to mark their activity during the year. 

The fair is structured around eight highly specialised areas with the aim of providing segmented information to all those interested in a specific topic.

This year’s edition comes at a very special time, with a clear recovery in world tourism activity following the control of the pandemic, which opens up a scenario with very positive prospects for companies in the sector.

If you have any doubts or queries, remember that we are at your disposal 24/7 on +34 963 085 000, at and our social media (Facebook, X and Instagram).