In today’s context, where new technologies have entered our lives so much, it is crucial for both businesses and individuals to be aware of the available resources to ensure the highest level of protection in our online operations. 

Imagen de la charla sobre consejos de seguridad informática

With this goal in mind, Sabadell Hub Empresa, Banco Sabadell’s connection point for companies and businesses, organised a webinar to provide information on this topic.

The speakers (Arturo Beltran Chief Information Security Officer of Cuatroochenta, and Santi de Pedro Olabarri IT Security Director at Banco Sabadell) provided a series of basic cybersecurity tips that, despite being well-known by everyone, should be frequently reminded. These tips are:

  1. Maintain an adequate password policy They should be as strong as possible and should not be reused across different platforms.
  2. Change them frequently If needed, use a password manager to simplify daily use.
  3. Always use a second verification factor (like a mobile phone or others) to enhance security levels.
  4. Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks or those that are not fully trusted. If necessary to do so, avoid conducting confidential operations, such as banking, accessing company platforms. If unavoidable, use security mechanisms, like a VPN.
  5. Always keep anti-virus and operating systems updated, not only on computers but also on mobile phones.
  6. Download applications only from official markets.
  7. Make regular backups of your data.

You can watch the full webinar here: