Image showing all the markets in a company's internationalisation process.

The decision to start selling your products to other markets is a brave one that may involve risks, but with proper planning and expert support it is possible to mitigate them and take advantage of the opportunities of internationalisation.

The world is globalised, so the opening of markets and the elimination of economic borders favour internationalisation. It is therefore imperative that Spanish companies explore foreign markets as an obligatory way to increase their sales and that they do not only consider exports as a scenario that seeks to compensate for the decline in sales in the domestic market.

What are the advantages of internationalisation?

  • Increase the customer portfolio, with an increase in sales.
  • Position the brand abroad.
  • Increase competitiveness.
  • Diversify risks in the face of local crises.

Expert support throughout the internationalisation process 

For companies that want to import or export their products, it is advisable that they have the support of experts who know and understand their needs and help them to generate business opportunities and grow beyond our borders. For this reason, Banco Sabadell has always been committed to accompanying companies in this process, guiding and facilitating solutions for exporting and/or importing products and thus contributing to the growth of companies.

And we do so because of the following:

  • Our team of foreign trade experts certified by ESIC Corporate Certified Gold accredits us as expert professionals in international business and positions us as a unique benchmark in the banking market.
  • A network of specialised branches with commercial solutions to take advantage of the opportunities that international business offers to improve the company’s profitability and competitiveness.

In addition, our experience and knowledge will help you:

  • Identify the most suitable markets for your products or services.
  • Analyse competition and market trends.
  • Define a solid internationalisation strategy.
  • Improve the profitability and competitiveness of your company.
  • Comply with legal and customs requirements.
  • Find reliable business partners and distributors.
  • Manage international collections and payments.
  • Minimise the risks associated with internationalisation.

And backed up by the numbers,* because the trust of our customers has translated into this:

  • One out of every two internationalised companies is a Banco Sabadell customer.
  • One out of every three export credits received in Spain has been channelled through the bank, giving it an average share in Spain of 34.5%.
  • A volume of international investment for working capital close to €8 billion was managed.

At Banco Sabadell we have solid expertise in accompanying companies in their internationalisation process. We are the benchmark financial institution for exporting companies in Spain, and we have contributed to the success of thousands of companies in their international adventure.

We have been providing service to companies for more than 140 years. Contact our experts, discover us and take the leap to the international market.