Artificial Intelligence (AI) is trending. You only need to watch a news programme, open a newspaper or connect to a website to realise that AI is everywhere. It’s a topic that comes up often in conversations with friends and colleagues. Generative AI tools (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Dall-e) are evolving quickly. They’re already integrated into our mobile phones as assistants, opening great opportunities to make our lives easier and more efficient. However, their use comes with significant privacy risks that we need to keep in mind.

Image about one of the opportunities of artificial intelligence


AI applications in the bank

In the bank’s strategy, Artificial Intelligence is a key element. Marc Armengol, Chief Operating Officer of the group, recently highlighted its relevance and his vision for the application of AI in the bank in three priority areas:

  • Improving the customer experience and their relationship with the bank
  • Improving systems and commercial productivity
  • Improving efficiency in the bank’s processes

We’ll soon be able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by generative AI with the implementation of several initiatives that promote the use of these tools in a safe and responsible manner. These initiatives are being led by the Analytics & Artificial Intelligence unit, directed by Luis Echávarri, which has been recently integrated into the Technology Department. 

Privacy Risks

The messages from experts, including the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, emphasise how essential it is to understand the purpose and risks of AI before its mass use and evolution, even suggesting regulation to ensure the privacy of users and companies.

In this post, we specifically talk about this and the legal aspects of Artificial Intelligence. 

Sabadell Forum’s Trustworthy AI season

In the context of the various initiatives the bank is undertaking in the field of Artificial Intelligence, there’s an ongoing reflection with experts to understand what Trustworthy AI should be. Here you can access the content of the two sessions we have organised to discuss this topic: