Personas comprometidas contra el cáncer

4 February marks World Cancer Day. It is an initiative fostered by the World Health Organisation, the International Agency for Research Against Cancer and the International Union Against Cancer. It strives to raise awareness and mobilise society to make progress in the prevention and control of this disease. Coinciding with this day, and once again this year, it is a good time to remember the basic measures to prevent the onset of this disease, as well as the contributions that Banco Sabadell is making to join in the fight against it.

Banco Sabadell Foundation Awards for Biomedical Research 

The Banco Sabadell Foundation awards the annual Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research to highlight and recognise the careers of young talents in the field of biomedical research and health sciences. This award, which is endowed with€ 50,000, has on several occasions recognised the careers of researchers in the field of oncology, as is the case of Dr. Nuria López-Bigas, awarded in 2016 for her contribution to developing new bioinformatics methods to study cancer genomes; Dr. Xavier Trepat, awarded in 2015, for being the first to describe a new mechanism of physical relationships between cells that can promote metastasis in cancer, and Dr. Eduard Batlle, in 2010, for his work focused on the study of the relevance and functional implications of intestinal stem cells in colon cancer, among others. You can consult the website of the Banco Sabadell Foundation for more information on the winners of previous editions and on the rules of this prize, which is currently open for its 18th edition.

Life Care Woman: €200,000earmarked to the fight against cancer

Other areas of the group also make important contributions to the fight against cancer. In this way, it is worth highlighting Sabadell Protection, which has the Life Care Woman insurance policy, specifically designed to help women, in a number of different ways, in the event of being diagnosed with the disease. Part of the profits derived from this product are used each year to collaborate in the research and development of oncological therapies. Therefore, in 2022, €30,000 were contributed to a number of projects overseen by the Spanish Association Against Cancer and a further €12,000 were earmarked to collaborate with the construction of the largest Paediatric Oncology Centre in Europe at the San Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona. So far, €200,000 have already been donated through this channel to different initiatives aimed at fighting this disease.

The importance of good health habits

It is always worth remembering that, according to research, one third of cancer cases can be prevented by reducing some of the main risk factors that can contribute to the development of the disease. Coinciding with the celebration of this day, this is a good time to remember them:

  • It is important to reduce or avoid alcohol, tobacco and drug use.
  • It is of utmost importance to watch what we eat and our diet.
  • Some form of physical activity or exercise should be done on a regular basis.
  • Avoid exposure to radiation or carcinogenic substances as far as possible.

It is also important to be vigilant if any of the following symptoms occur and, in this case, to seek prompt medical attention for any analyses or tests that the doctor may consider necessary.

  • Lumps or strange masses anywhere on the body.
  • Fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breath or cough.
  • Unexpected bleeding or haemorrhage.
  • Sudden weight loss or lack of appetite.
  • Pain.
  • Complications with swallowing, urination or other physiological needs.
  • Intense night sweats.
  • Changes in a mole or spots on the skin.
  • Breast changes.