Every year since 1993, World Water Day has been celebrated around the world – as part of an initiative by the UN, UNESCO, the World Wildlife Foundation and the World Water Council. During this day, a number of different activities are carried out to raise awareness of the importance of preserving this natural resource, which is key to life, and to which millions of people still do not have easy access. The Banco Sabadell Foundation, working with the same objective, last year launched a Marine Sustainability Award to encourage and recognise the work of Spanish scientists in this field, as well as in the sustainable exploitation of resources and the regeneration of their natural capital. The registration period for the 2nd edition closes at the end of March. More information here.

Image of Banco Sabadell’s World Water Day 2023

The celebration of World Water Day is one of the initiatives that the UNUNESCOWWF and the World Water Council have launched with a view to achieving universal access to clean and safe water by 2030, without harming the environment in the process. In 2023, the theme for World Water Day is “The importance of water”, as a reminder of the importance of fresh water, which is still inaccessible to some 2.2 billion people.

Working along the same lines, but focusing on the water of the seas and oceans, last year the Banco Sabadell Foundation launched its Marine Sustainability Award, with the aim of recognising the work of Spanish scientists in this field, in the sustainable exploitation of resources and in the regeneration of their natural capital.  The prize is awarded to a young researcher with an outstanding curriculum vitae in one of the following fields: 

  • Sustainability in the exploitation of marine resources, both in traditional marine industries (fishing, transport, aquaculture, coastal tourism, etc.) and in new emerging sectors (biotechnology, big data, renewable energies, regeneration, etc.).
  • Regeneration of marine natural capital by recovering ecosystem goods and services. 

The awarded research activity, on the other hand, must prove its impact in: 

  • Biodiversity enhancement or preservation. 
  • Pollution reduction/containment. 
  • Climate change mitigation/reduction. 

And show tangible evidence of the transfer of scientific knowledge to applications that foster sustainable economic development.

In its first edition the prize was awarded to Dr. Oihane C. Basurko awarded for her excellent professional career in the field of sustainability and the circular economy, which was specifically valued for the important potential of the market application of her results, as well as the social projection of her research.

This award is part of the ESG action framework, Sabadell Sustainable Commitment which strives to foster transformational actions that contribute to sustainable development and the fight against climate change. 

The deadline for applications for the 2nd edition is 31 March. For more information, please consult the following links: