The Contigo Foundation against Women’s Cancer, which strives to foster research that helps put the brake on women’s cancers while improving the quality of life of patients received from Sabadell Protection a cheque for €15,000 for its research project ‘Association between molecular changes in metastatic breast cancer tissue and circulating tumour DNA – liquid biopsy”.

The fight against breast cancer is a cause that brings us all together. At Sabadell Protection, we are committed to research and the quest for solutions for breast cancer, a disease that affects millions of women around the world. We are therefore extremely proud to work with the Contigo Foundation against Women’s Cancers, doing our bit to make headway in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Image of Banco Sabadell's donation to the Contigo Foundation against breast cancer.

In patients with advanced breast cancer, tumour cells sometimes release DNA molecules into the blood (circulating tumour DNA). Using massive sequencing to study mutations in DNA extracted from the blood, we can find out which mutations there are in the tumour cells. According to Verónica Sagnier, director of the Contigo Founation, “research is the only path to early diagnosis, access more and better treatments and, why not, find a definitive cure for women’s cancers. And thanks to businesses like Sabadell Protection, we are close than ever to achieving that!”

The project puts forward the hypothesis that this circulating tumour DNA in patients with breast cancer with multiple metastases, will contain molecular changes that are more closely associated with a specific metastasis. It is also thought that are other mutations in this circulating DNA that are not observed in tissue biopsies. The aim is to determine whether all the changes identified in the metastatic lesions are also found in circulating tumour DNA. Rosa María Lleal, patron of the Contigo Foundation says that “the Contigo Foundation against Women’s Cancers is enormously grateful to the whole team at Sabadell Protection for the solidarity and support they have shown for breast cancer research. Breast cancer currently affects 1 in every 8 women. A terrifying figure given that we’re talking about people and not numbers. That makes contributions like this so valuable. The support of businesses is fundamental for research to continue and be able to cure and, above all, improve quality of life for patients.”

The project is part of Sabadell Protección‘s sustainability strategy, under which its insurance with a cause’ project seeks the transition towards a more sustainable economy, linking each of its products to social and environmental causes, thanks to which it has been able to make a number of contributions to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the Nature Conservation Network, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, El Llindar, biobanks and the Contigo Foundation.

Sabadell Protection is specifically committed to the cause of health and quality of life though the Life Care Women’s life insurance, with which it has already donated more than €230,000 over recent years. Bernardino Gómez Aritmendi, Managing Director of Sabadell Protection, says that “Insurance with a Cause goes beyond the inherent social purpose of insurance to protect people. We donate €3 to women’s cancer with each Life policy. That is a demonstration of our commitment to the health, well-being and quality of life of individuals. That’s why Women Care has been created so that, if they need it, our clients can focus on recovering thanks to a payout of up to €70,000 in the event of cancer”.

Together for a future without breast cancer

The fight against breast cancer must be tackled together. Sabadell Protection will continue to support the Contigo Foundation Against Women’s Cancers and other organisations that are going to great lengths to find a cure for breast cancer.

We encourage everyone to join the cause and to contribute what they can to research and the fight against breast cancer.

You can make a donation, take part in activities or just spread the word. Each and every small gesture counts in the fight against breast cancer.