Having solid backing and good guidance is the key to success in the world of franchising, a business model that allows brands to expand more easily and entrepreneurs to get a business project off the ground with the peace of mind of knowing that they have a business model that works, and with advice. Banco Sabadell has been working for more than 26 years, through our Franchises department, side by side with companies and franchisees to achieve the best results for both, and the data, as well as our track record over these more than two decades of work, corroborate this.

Franchising is a business system between independent companies but linked by a contract whereby one of them (the franchisor) grants the other (franchisees), in exchange for financial compensation, the right to exploit a brand or commercial formula , while at the same time ensuring the necessary support and services to facilitate this exploitation. For the franchisee, the main advantages are as follows:

  • Lower risk, as it goes hand in hand with a well-known and established company
  • It benefits from the economies of scale of the franchisor company
  • It benefits from the publicity and experience of the franchisor company

However, of course, solid backing and guidance is essential for success in the world of franchising, a business model that allows brands to expand more easily.

Banco Sabadell has been working for more than 26 years, through our Franchises department, side by side with companies and franchisees to achieve the best results for both, and the data, as well as our track record over these more than two decades of work, corroborate this.

We currently manage more than 1,100 brands in the franchise sector and have extensive experience in financing new franchise openings and, therefore, the expansion of these brands. What’s more, we have collaboration agreements with a total of 630 companies that allow us to offer a complete range of products and services to our customers, thus improving our response to all their needs. From the first step – which is financing – to the many other needs derived from the start-up of the business, we can assist in a wide range of aspects during the opening of a franchise.

Imagen del evento Franquishop en Sevilla

Franquishop Sevilla

We have Franchise Managers who are specialists in different business sectors with the capacity, thanks to these two characteristics, to meet the needs of each brand, providing information on the situation of the sector and the competition. Similarly, our structure of risk analysts – with professionals specialised in franchises – places us at the forefront of this line of business, as it allows us to resolve operations much more quickly than other entities.

If you are interested in the world of franchises, we will be at your disposal all day today at our stand at the Franquishop Fair, which on this occasion is being held in Sevilla. Come and see us and see the advantages of working with Sabadell Franchises, one of the benchmarks in this segment of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, with more than 25 years’ experience accompanying franchisors and franchisees, and offering them tailor-made solutions.