Image of Sabadell Protection’s support for the Spanish Association Against Cancer
Presentation of a cheque for €30,000 by Bernardino Gómez Aritmendi, general manager of Sabadell Seguros to Dr. Laureano Molins, president of the Association Against Cancer in Barcelona.

At Banco Sabadell, through Sabadell Protection, we have been fostering the fight against cancer for years by supporting scientific research through different projects of organisations such as the Spanish Association Against Cancer. The AECC’s programmes and services include the “Comprehensive Support for Women with Cancer” initiative, which strives to improve the lives of women with cancer and their families with emotional and social support, physiotherapy and nutrition services and medical guidance.

A project carried out in collaboration with Sabadell Protection. Bernardino Gómez Aritmendi, general manager of Sabadell Seguros, has presented a cheque for €30,000 to Dr. Laureano Molins, president of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in Barcelona to collaborate in a number of different projects, including the “Comprehensive Support for Women with Cancer” project. 

In Spain, more than 119,000 women suffer from cancer every year. This disease has emotional and social consequences that need to be addressed through comprehensive care. Women diagnosed with cancer and their families must be cared for, not only at the time of diagnosis and during the treatment of the disease, but also while being reintegrated back into their day-to-day lives. The Spanish Association Against Cancer in Barcelona works to minimise women’s emotional and psychological disorders, to facilitate their access to social resources and to boost their self-esteem and empowerment. It offers women with cancer psychological and social care, oncological physiotherapy and self-care, leisure and free time activities and medical-health advice.

Bernardino Gómez Aritmendi, CEO of Sabadell Seguros, says that “we have been collaborating with the Spanish Association Against Cancer since 2018  thanks to Life Care Woman, a life insurance policy that we created so that our customers, if needed, could focus on their fight and recovery thanks to a financial endowment of up to €70,000 in the event of cancer. And not only that, we decided to donate €3 for each policy taken out to conduct research into female cancer and to collaborate with important projects such as this one. At the end of the day, it is about going beyond philanthropy and getting directly involved with this particular cause, to be consistent with our DNA and our protection role. We want to address real problems in our territory and communicate them with a view to raising social awareness.

Sabadell Protection has joined this project with a contribution thanks to the Life Care Woman life insurance policy. In this way, the organisation continues to collaborate with the AECC in different projects to help women. This donation brings the total amount donated to €200,000 to support research, of which €75,000 has been earmarked for the biobanks used for scientific research.