World Agriculture Day is celebrated worldwide on 9 September, a day that aims to highlight the work of all people who dedicate themselves to this essential activity. Banco Sabadell joins this tribute while emphasising our historic connection to this sector through the specialised Sabadell Negocio Agrario division.

Imagen del equipo de Sabadell Negocio Agrario por el Día Mundial de la Agricultura.

Sabadell Negocio Agrario was established in 2014. Since then, it has become a benchmark in the primary sector, providing services through more than 300 Agro branches spread across the country with managers highly specialised in this sector. We also have a specific unit in Central Services, entirely dedicated to designing specific products and services for this group.

Among the main solutions available to companies in this sector are:

  • The FlexiAgro loan, with preferential conditions adapted to the income calendar of farmers/livestock breeders. This product also allows financing/advancing the CAP aid.
  • Various collaboration agreements with leading companies in the field of digitalisation and Big Data, which allows farmers and livestock breeders to streamline access to public aid to digitalise their businesses and farms.
  • The BS Agro APP, with access to the most relevant news in the sector, information on subsidies, a calendar which highlights the main events, as well as Banco Sabadell’s collaboration agreements with the main players in the sector, and other applications of interest.
  • A Public Aid Search Engine, which is completely free, and provides constant information about the various public aid schemes announced by governmental bodies. It also allows subscribing to a newsletter and getting in touch with bank specialists to expedite the processing of aid schemes (

In addition to these products focused on providing the best response to the most common needs of the sector, #SabadellAgrario is also committed to supporting its professionals in their transformation towards more sustainable, efficient, and innovative practices to address the challenges posed by climate change. In summary, it is about promoting a more efficient agriculture and helping professionals achieve better results in their farms while consuming fewer resources, in line with the objectives of the new 2023-2027 CAP.

The same goals are set out in our country’s Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, which is being carried out with the EU’s Next Generation Funds.  The common goal here is also to modernise and transform the agricultural sector towards a more efficient and sustainable production model, using knowledge, innovation and digitalisation of the sector, especially in rural areas.  


Digitalisation, an essential tool

Digitalisation is a key factor in the modernisation of this sector. The application of advanced technologies, such as precision agriculture, data management, automation and artificial intelligence, can help farmers and livestock breeders improve the efficiency of their processes and reduce environmental impact.

Another priority area of action at this time is the implementation of circular economy systems, which help the sustainability of the agri-food sector. Transitioning to this type of economy can help reduce food waste, decrease environmental impact and improve farm profitability. Banco Sabadell Negocio Agrario also accompanies primary producers in this transformation, offering financing to carry out sustainable and efficient projects.

In short, Banco Sabadell Negocio Agrario works actively with the goal and firm commitment to accompany our clients in their day-to-day activities and their transformation process. One of the keys to success is that both parties speak the same language. There is a continuous effort to make this a reality.