In an increasingly digitalised world, businesses need a financial partner to help them make the most of opportunities in a fully online way.

We offer a complete range of online banking solutions designed for the specific needs of businesses, from day-to-day finance management to internationalisation of the business. In addition, we have a team of experts in digital banking who will advise you at all times so that you can make the most of our tools.

Banco Sabadell online: your strategic ally in the digital era

At Banco Sabadell we are committed to offering our customers the best online banking experience, and the results speak for themselves. According to a study by Accenture, Banco Sabadell’s website for companies leads the ranking of satisfaction among SMEs with a turnover of between 1 and 10 million euro. The business app also achieves excellent results. It is not the first time in recent years that our online channels have been singled out by various organisations as the best in the sector, even at European level.

Image of the Banco Sabadell website

According to this study, for the SMEs surveyed, our corporate website is the best in Spain, while the app is in second place.

This is not the first time that our digital channels have received this type of recognition from specialised media or consultancy firms. In 2022, Global Finance magazine voted BS Online Empresas as the best banking website in Europe.

The bank’s website and app designed for you and your business

Our business website is designed to provide you with all the information and tools you need to run your business efficiently. In it you will find:

  • Access to your accounts and products
  • Information about your finances
  • Tools to manage your payments and collections
  • Foreign trade services
  • Personalised support and advice

Currently, more than 90% of the bank’s SME customers log on to our online channels on a daily basis. Aware of the great importance of these resources for its users and of the value of good accessibility and user experience, in 2021 the bank began an ambitious process of improving them which, to give a figure, in 2023 alone involved the launch of more than 25 projects to implement new functionalities or improve existing ones. Many of these projects are developed in conjunction with a panel of client companies, which doubled in the past year, allowing our technical teams to learn first-hand about their needs and concerns.

Among the projects launched in recent months, we could highlight the digital registration for the self-employed or the redesign of BS Mobile for Companies. In both cases, the online services are complemented by personalised advice from experts who help to manage those issues for which users need additional support. This past year also saw significant improvements in the online consultation of files.

During the year ahead, further improvements are planned which we are convinced will once again reinforce our leading position in online banking among businesses and individuals in our country.