Banco Sabadell, through Sabadell Negocio Agrario, will again be present at SEPOR, the Livestock Farming, Industrial and Agri-Food Fair in Lorca which this year celebrates its 56th edition, presenting the latest developments and challenges that the livestock sector faces. With the slogan “Feeding the Future”, SEPOR will be held from 23 to 26 October, focusing on the vital role of the livestock farming and food production industries in all their processes, from the farm and the field to customers’ homes.

Once again, Banco Sabadell will be at your disposal with its own stand where you will be able to find specialised solutions to meet all the sector’s needs. Our team of experts in the agri-food sector will provide financial support on current issues such as farm management, farm efficiency, the application of artificial intelligence and the reduction of emissions, among others.

Imagen de Sabadell Agrario en SEPOR 2023

For years, Banco Sabadell has had a business management that specialises in supporting the agricultural sector in its transformation, both productive (ecological transition) and digital (innovation and digitalisation), offering all the facilities so that you can finance this transformation without having to decapitalise, with financing tailored to your needs. We have agreements with several leading companies in Big Data and digitalisation and we offer financing for the transformation of traditional productions into organic and sustainable ones.

Imagen de Sabadell Agrario participando en la feria ganadera, industrial y agroalimentaria de Lorca

Banco Sabadell also has a livestock sector offering and supports the sector in its transformation and modernisation process in terms of sustainability, digitalisation and animal welfare.

SEPOR will once again be the great meeting point for the livestock sector. See its programme of activities.

A firm commitment to companies in the primary sector

At Banco Sabadell we are firmly committed to companies and professionals who work in the primary production sector of agriculture, livestock farming, fishing and forestry. For this reason, our main objective is to facilitate banking management of daily activity, offering the most advanced range of financial products and services designed to suit the sector. We offer intelligent solutions, designed on the basis of specialisation and proximity, to professionals in the sector to respond to the needs of agricultural, livestock and fishing businesses and with which we offer a financial product that meets their needs. We are firmly committed to the ecological and sustainable transformation of the primary sector. In addition, we offer financing solutions and services designed to acquire, modernise or expand agricultural or livestock farms, machinery, facilities and technology; in short, any investment necessary to provide a response that meets consumer demands.

Along these lines, attendees who visit us at SEPOR will be able to learn first-hand about our smart solutions, for example:

  • FLEXI Agri Loan. A loan for your day-to-day activities, with complete payment flexibility. With it, you can receive an advance on the CAP and other aid, the AgroSeguro premium or simply pay the expenses of your season. In this way, you will have the liquidity to suit your needs.
  • Loans with the guarantee of the Sociedad Anónima Estatal de Caución Agraria (SAECA). We provide you with a line of financing for operations that have the guarantee of the Sociedad Anónima Estatal de Caución Agraria.
  • Official ICO MAPA SAECA lines of financing. We have subscribed to the ICO lines in order to respond to any type of financing and liquidity needs and to promote and support the investments of companies.
  • Medium and long-term renting of certain assets that your business can use to carry out its economic activity.
  • Leasing Choose the asset and supplier you want and we will acquire it and transfer the use to you for a certain time in return for the payment of periodic instalments and with a purchase option at the end of the rental period.
  • For other products suited to the needs of the livestock farmer, see our entire range of products and services here.

If you would like more information about the services of Sabadell Negocio Agrario (Sabadell Farming Business) visit our website.