During the winter it is of utmost importance to carry out correct maintenance of heating systems, both to avoid breakdowns and to ensure the perfect functioning of the system.

The maintenance of the systems includes their optimal cleaning.

Did you know that a dirty radiator takes longer to heat up and can even give off bad smells?

Did you know that if you smell burning when you light a butane heater, it is because of the dust?

#SabadellProtection explains how to clean your heating system, whatever it is, to have a safer and more responsible home.

  • Radiator cleaning.

Infographic on radiator cleaning steps by Banco Sabadell

  • Heat Pump cleaning.

Infographic on heat pump cleaning steps by Banco Sabadell

  • Cooker cleaning

Infographic on stove cleaning steps by Banco Sabadell

  • Chimney cleaning

Infographic on chimney cleaning steps by Banco Sabadell
Take advantage of these simple tips from #SabadellProtección to make sure your heating systems are always ready.